Armineh Soorenian

My name is Armineh Soorenian and I am an Armenian-Iranian-British academic, based in Leeds, UK.

I am an independent researcher and my research interests include inclusive education, Disability Arts and representations, Disability and gender, and Disability hate crime. In November 2013, my book ‘Disabled International Students in British Higher Education: Experiences and Expectations’ was published by Sense Publishing House. The book was based on my PhD research, which I completed in the Centre for Disability Studies at the University of Leeds in November 2011. Subsequently I have published articles in international journals such as ‘Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research’ and ‘Malta Review of Educational Research’. I have also contributed to several collected edition books as well as various UN initiatives. 

To date, I continue with researching, publishing, campaigning, lecturing and delivering workshops specifically on inclusive education topics. From May 2018 to February 2020, I was employed by the Alliance for Inclusive Education (ALLFIE) to lead a project on the effectiveness of schools’ Accessibility Plans funded by the Disability Research on Independent Living and Learning (DRILL) grants programme. My current role, also with ALLFIE, is project leader for ‘Our Voice’, a Covid-19 national participation project to amplify Disabled Young people’s voices and address erasure of their education experiences. 

This website is about my various journeys and personal experiences in academia and beyond.

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